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.net Developer Resume

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Wayne, NJ


  • 6 years of professional experience in Software Engineering and in - depth experience in Microsoft .Net Technology applications based on Object Oriented Programming (OOP), Client/Server, N-tier architecture.
  • Expertise in programming with C#, Microsoft .NET Frameworks 4.5/ 4.6/4.7/4.8 , ASP.NET, ADO.NET, SQL-Server, Oracle, Visual Studio, Ajax, LINQ, CSS and IIS.
  • Experience in web UI technologies using HTML5, Angular 2/47/8/9/10/11/12/13 , JavaScript, jQuery, for better look using controls, as well as using Bootstrap.
  • Proficient in Implementing WCF services and consuming using different protocols and implementing features like Security, Debugging and Performance.
  • Extensive experience in creating rich content Web Forms, Web User Controls, Server Controls, Web Service, WCF Service and Web API Calls.
  • Proficient in developing REST Services and integrating them with Client Server Architecture. Implemented several REST Services with Node JS as Backend and Angular as Frontend.
  • Experience in developing ASP.Net Web custom controls, user controls and rich GUI with extensive use of AJAX toolkit, CSS and Master pages.
  • Experience in development of ASP.NET Web Forms using HTML5, Telerik controls, jQuery and communicated with database using WCF service.
  • Extensive experience in working withObject Relational Mapping (ORM)using LINQ to SQL and LINQ to XML and REST web API.
  • Experience with ASP. NET web forms, Master Pages, Web Services, and State Management, Caching features, Configuring Optimizations and securing the web application.
  • Experience in Object Oriented Analysis & Design (OOAD) and Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts including Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism and Abstraction.
  • Extensive knowledge of .NET security features such as Authentication & Authorization, Windows-based Authentication, Forms-based Authentication, Authorizing Users and Roles.
  • Experience in data accessing including using Data Adapter, Data Reader and Data Set, Entity Framework in ADO.NET and Language Integrated Query (LINQ), LINQ to SQL and LINQ to Object
  • Experience working with Microsoft Azure Cloud based IAAS, PAAS and SAAS.
  • Extensive experience in developing WCF Services to expose useful functionality to web users through SOAP, describing them using WSDL for easy availability to potential users and consuming them. Used Entity Frame Work and LINQ for retrieval of data from the SQL Server Database using connected/disconnected.
  • Expertise in database design and programming skills in SQL Server, SQL Stored Procedures, Functions, Triggers, Views and importing/exporting data from various data sources.
  • Expertise in using Version controlling tools like Visual studio TFS, Visual Source Safe
  • Experience in configuring Internet Information Server (IIS), creating virtual directories, mapping them to physical folders and configuring applications for domain authentication.
  • Ability to work within a fast-paced environment, and interact supportively within a team, problem solving skills (debugging and troubleshooting), fixing bugs in application and N-Unit testing.
  • Effective result-oriented team player with excellent communication and inter-personal skills with a positive attitude towards work with adherence to time schedules and quality delivery.


Programming Languages: C#.NET, T-SQL, Typescript, Java Script

.NET Technologies: .NET Framework, ADO.NET, ASP.NET, Entity Framework, Web Services, Web Forms, Win Forms, Custom controls, WCF, WPF, LINQ

Web Technologies: ASP.NET, HTML5, CSS3, Angular 2/47/8/9/10/11/12/13 , Bootstrap, JavaScript, AJAX, jQuery

Databases: Microsoft SQL Server 2008/2012/2014/2016/2019

Cloud: Azure

Version Control Tools: Team Foundation Server (TFS), Git

Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio, Microsoft Visual Studio Code, Microsoft Sql Server Management Studio, Jenkins, JIRA, Postman

Operating Systems: Windows, iOS, Android


Confidential, Wayne, NJ

.Net Developer


  • Involve in all the phases ofSoftware Development Life Cycle(SDLC) including Analysis, Design, Programming, Testing and Deployment.
  • Developed and designed web application with the Angular 13 and WEB API as backed layer by using .NET Core.
  • Designed and Developed application using C#, ASP.Net MVC 5.0 and Entity Framework 6.
  • Worked with Web API to provide services to HTTP requests and created Rest Services using ASP.NET Web API2.
  • Performed validations on Web Forms using .Net Validation Controls and Client-Side Validation using Angular 13.
  • Ensured get, post, put and delete functionalities worked as expected throughWeb APIusingPostmanservices.
  • Implemented MVC design pattern for developing the Web Application and used MVC5 application using Razor syntax for view engine, also used C# for the back end.
  • Used Azure components like Service Bus implements a communication system between mutually interacting software applications, Message Queues, Redis Cache to supports data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets with range queries.
  • Created components, modules, services, pipes, guards, interfaces, resolvers etc using angular cli.
  • Effectively leveraged Azure APIM gateway and policies for efficient API Life Cycle management and OAuth2 based JWT token-based security.
  • Coding for features related to preservation notices, remediation, cross border checks.
  • Used Visual Studio .NET IDE to design the forms, develop and debug the application.
  • Use TFS to manage the source code and track the defects.
  • Used C# with Workflow service.
  • Developing unit tests and coordinating with our QA staff to achieve the best blend of error prevention and error detection possible and used JIRA tool for bug tracking/issue tracker.

Environment: ASP.Net Framework 4.8, C#. Asp.Net Core, Angular 13, TypeScript, NPM, Node JS, Azure, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, XML, Visual Studio, Jenkins, TFS, Agile, Windows


.Net Developer


  • Implemented user-stories and new features based on business/user requirements and providing the optimal solution from business as well as scalable perspective.
  • Developed reusable components and services using TypeScript to perform CRUD operations based on Angular 9 structure and concept of dependency injection.
  • Designed and developed web-based UI in C# using different controls like HTML Controls, Data Controls and Web Controls.
  • Developed features for customer facing website using C#, ASP.NET MVC 4/5, CSHTML, Html Helpers, Angular 9, AJAX, Bootstrap, CSS, LINQ, Entity Framework, WCF, SQL Server.
  • Used various bootstrap components like accordion, date picker, time picker, alert, buttons, modal and also react-bootstrap components.
  • Developed application using ASP.NET Core along with a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA).
  • Used technologies provided by the .NET framework including ASP.NET, ADO.NET, web services using REST and data manipulation.
  • Utilized Azure Sql Server for storing the data related to the recruitment and Wrote Efficient queries and stored procedures that saved the manual efforts of cleaning the data and efficient data handling and sanitized data.
  • Involved in designing and developing RESTful Web Services using Web API.
  • Worked with advanced concepts of ASP.NET Core MVC such as Models and Providers, Filters used for developing backend technology.
  • Graphical User Interface (GUI) was designed using ASP.NET MVC and the business logic was coded in C# MVC Controllers.
  • Used WPF for creating windows and custom win form control using various animation techniques.
  • Utilized HTTP Client module extensively along with RxJS library to deal with http requests in an asynchronous fashion.
  • CreatedApplication Poolsin theIIS 7to Bridge the application, where theWCF Servicesare called from different Projects.
  • Adapted web application to run in Windows Azure against SQL Azure using Azure Queues for background processing.
  • Used Microsoft Entity Framework Code First approach for the Data Access Layer and defined entities for data access with Microsoft SQL Server.
  • Built various types of reports such as Table, List, Matrix reports using Visual Studio and displayed them on ASP.NET Web Forms using Report Viewer Control.
  • Developed unit test cases and performing Unit and Integration testing of the application using N-Unit and X-unit Framework and Maintaining 70% Code Coverage.
  • Used Team Foundation Server (TFS) for source control, data collection, reporting and project tracking.

Environment: ASP.Net Framework 4.7, C#. Asp.Net Core, Angular 9, TypeScript, NPM, Node JS, Azure, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, XML, SQL Server 2017, N-Unit, TFS, Agile, Visual Studio, Windows


.Net Developer


  • Design and develop Web forms in ASP.NET 4.6 using C# implementing Presentation, Business Component and Database access layers
  • Design and implement integration components using ASP.Net (C#) using latest industry standards and best practices.
  • Developed GUI using ASP.NET Server Controls, User Controls and Custom Controls and Master Pages, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) for consistent look.
  • Developed Business logics and coding in C#.Net using Web API Services to manipulate the recommendation to be displayed based on customer’s input.
  • Responsible for designing ASP.NET application authentication using .NET Framework, Model View Controller MVC and IIS security model.
  • Implemented Business Logic for the Multi-Threaded Applications and Created reusable class libraries using C#.
  • Created pop-up windows and Dialog boxes for the user-friendly environment.
  • DevelopedWCF Servicesto integrate withSOAPcompatible systems andRESTful servicesare implemented using ASP.NETWeb APIto support light weight data exchange in ASP.NET MVC UI.
  • Developed Web Forms for User Interfaces using ASP.NET and C#.NET using Server Controls, HTML Controls and User Controls.
  • Developed applications using JavaScript, jQuery and Bootstrap to build modern Single Page Applications (SPA).
  • Used Data Reader, Data Set and Data Adapter objects from ADO.NET to access relevant data.
  • Implemented SSO for better customer experience and security across the applications on retrieving the documents and reports.
  • Involved in the Design of the Application using ASP.Net, WCF, Entity Framework, Linq to SQL
  • Involved in design and development of middle tier web services which encapsulate the business logic in its methods and wrote data access classes using ADO.Net.
  • Extensively used .NET inbuilt components like Data Grid, Data List and Calendar controls along with other .NET server controls.
  • Utilized Entity Framework technology extensively for data retrieving and manipulation using LINQ
  • Worked onStored Procedures, Temp tables, Table variables, Functions and joins.

Environment: ASP.Net Framework 4.6, C#, ADO.Net, jQuery, HTML, Bootstrap, WCF, LINQ, SQL Server 2016, Agile, Windows.


.Net Developer


  • Developed ASP.NET caching features, configuring ASP.NET optimizations, securing ASP.NET web application.
  • Used Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) for data validation.
  • Design and develop Web forms in ASP.NET 4.5 using C# implementing Presentation, Business Component and Database access layers.
  • Extensively used Dataset, Data Reader and Data Adapter objects to retrieve and manipulate data and display it onto an ASP.NET page.
  • Writing business and data access components (as separate assemblies) in C# utilizing ADO.NET transaction management.
  • Heavily used ADO.NET objects, DataSet, Data Table and Data Adapter for manipulating, retrieving, storing and displaying data from SQL Server.
  • Root cause analysis and fixing the IIS Web Server Related issues.
  • Developed MVCRazor views,partial views,layout pages,complexControllers, helper methods, View Models.
  • Effectively developed user controls to provide search functionality on documents.
  • Used ASP.Net framework for creating WEB API services according to meet the client application side Browser Application.
  • Applied Master pages, and CSS, Navigation Controls, HTML, for a consistent look and feel for page designing.
  • Used ASP.NET Validation Controls for Validating User Input and JavaScript for data validations.
  • Used Dataset, Data Table, Data Adapter, Data Reader and other ADO.Net connectivity controls and worked with Entity frame work
  • Built various types of reports such as Table, List, Matrix reports using Visual Studio and displayed them on ASP.NET Web Forms using Report Viewer Control.
  • Used GIT tool to keep track of all work and all changes in source code and deployed the applications.
  • Used Jenkins for continuous Integration to avoid manual deployment.
  • Used Jira for bug tracking and to track progress in daily stand-up meetings.

Environment: .NET Framework 4.5, SQL Server 2014, C#, ASP.NET MVC, ADO. NET, MVC5, Java Script, JQuery, GIT, WPF, IIS, Agile, Windows.

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